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Since 2012, we have worked alongside more than 400 people facing barriers to employment

Ability Enterprises is a not-for-profit, social enterprise providing meaningful employment opportunities to marginalised individuals living in regional Queensland.

Since 2012, we have worked alongside more than 320 people facing barriers to employment. Through strategic community and corporate partnerships, we provide a social enterprise vehicle to support individuals living with mental illness, people living with a disability, refugees and Indigenous Australians. All employees are paid full award wages.


Since our inception, we have capitalised on our strong reputation to foster meaningful partnerships. Organisations and businesses we work with include Toowoomba Regional Council, the Department of Main Roads, Carers Queensland, Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service, QIC Toowoomba, St Vincent’s Private Hospital and Nexus.


Today, our social enterprises collectively employ just under 90 people and operations span across waste management, hospitality, maintenance, administration and cleaning industries. 



Claire Torkington

Chief Executive Officer

Claire has an extensive knowledge of Ability Enterprises having served as a Board Member before taking on the role as General Manager, and then CEO.  Claire has substantial senior leadership experience, working across both the public and private sectors, in a range of industries here in Australia, and in the UK.  


Ability Enterprises is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board guides the organisation's strategic direction, oversees management and is the driving force behind Ability Enterprise's mission, goals and strategic plan. 


The Ability Enterprises Board brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the organisation and their collective experience spans across not-for-profit, government and corporate organisations. Our Board includes Phil Gregory (Board Chair), Danny Wiedman (Treasurer), Joy Mingay, Ged Brennan, Gary Love, Laura Scurr and Kathryn McKeefry.

Our achievements include winning the 2019 Heritage Bank Business Excellence Award (Not-For-Profit Non-Government Organisation), 2019 Buy Queensland Diversity in Procurement Award, the Minister's Buy Queensland Award (Medium/Large Business), Highly Commended Award (Buy Queensland Regional Category), 2017 Heritage Bank Business Excellence Award and the 2017 Toowoomba Diocese Social Justice Award.

© 2019 Ability Enterprises

Contact us:

(07) 4638 7465

​Find us: 

1 Tews Court, Toowoomba QLD 4350

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